The Devotion System review: will you find your Mr Right?

The truth is, relationships can be mystifying.

You might have dated before, and came out the wrong end, and hence you think that this is not going to work for you.

Especially in today’s day and age, where casual flirting and dating is the order of the day, and it seems so much more difficult to find your soul mate.

You may think that it is not right for a lady to take the initiative, coming across as desperate, but times have changed. 

As long as you have the right techniques and use the right approaches, you can be successful in relationships too.

You need to be in control of your future and this is what the Devotion System is going to help you to achieve. If it works. So does it? 

In this Devotion System Review, let’s dive in deeper to find out more about its secrets. 

devotion system review

What is the Devotion System about?

The way the dating game has evolved over the years is by no means astounding. 

Gone are blind dates and awkward first dates arranged by friends or family. 

With the advent of technology, the entire landscape of dating has changed. 

However, some things such as human behaviour, our needs and wants, have changed little since the time of cave man.

There are certain traits that are wired into our system, and the Devotion System is here to educate you ladies about how to make it work for you. 

The Devotion System is the brainchild of Amy North, and her system teaches you on the way you should talk, the words you should use, and how to read a man.

With the techniques, she claims that you will finally be able to find Mr. Right!

Amy North goes on to say that there is a state of desire which is more powerful than love itself, and unlocking this state is the secret to a man’s heart.

In the ebook, she provides a ton of information regarding relationships, and it is broken down into 3 parts to help you master the techniques.

If you don’t want to continue to be in the friend zone, continue reading more to find out how. 

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Who wrote the Devotion System book?

amy north the devotion system review

The author is Amy North, who is a renowned relationship expert and dating coach, hailing from Canada. 

She has been doing this for over 8 years, helping women from all over the world, to find and keep the man of their dreams.

Amy is well qualified, having graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Psychology, and amassed heaps of knowledge by being a practitioner for almost a decade. 

Through her own experiences and heartbreaks, she formulated the Devotion System to lend a helping hand to struggling women the world over.

You can find her popular YouTube channel too, which has over half a million subscribers today. Yes, more than 500,000! 

No wonder her system is widely regarded as one of the best in the world.

How does the Devotion System work?

The Devotion System is a thorough program that contains 3 main parts.

There is a very important subject that is being covered in the first part of the book: Self love.

The truth is, women are not entirely reliant on men to be fulfilled, and it is crucial for a lady to be able to think this way.

Once you feel that you need to depend on someone else, your personal wellbeing might have to take a back seat. 

I will cover more about that in the next section.

I think it will be very helpful for any person struggling to find and keep a quality person—but especially so for a woman.

The content discusses how you can let go and move on, how to better understand men and what they want, and how to make full use of all the information that you will learn inside. 

According to the book, there is a primal drive in men that is present ever since the Stone Age.

There are a number of factors that stimulates this drive, including woman, sports and work.

With the course, you will learn how to bring out this drive and to work with it in a safe manner.

What you are trying to achieve is to create a desire and suspense, and instead of you going after your man, he will come running after you since he now desires you more than anything else.

Love will grow and breed a healthy loving relationship between you and him, eventually leading to pure devotion to each other.

It is easy to understand and learn and rest assured that you do not have to engage in crazy acts like stalking your man. 

What you will be doing instead is just utilising the right techniques to trigger a man’s desire for you.

You will also gain access to a series of videos to supplement the information in the book.

What is taught in the Devotion System?

the devotion system methods

The 3 parts of the book are as follows:

Part 1: completely devoted to the importance of self-love

Often times, we get caught up with feeling sorry for ourselves and enter into a state of depression.

This section teaches you about letting go of hang-ups and identifies the unhealthy behaviours you must avoid in order to have a better and healthier relationship.

By learning to let go, you will avoid relationships hangovers, which contributes greatly to your own happiness, whether it is in the present or in the future.

Empowering women is one of the key aspects of this chapter.

Part 2: Understanding men

In this section, you will learn more about what men wants.

With this knowledge, you will then know how to engage with them.

You see, men had always had all the power, but you can make that work to your advantage.

Using certain tricks and tactics of the mind, you will learn to make any man go crazy from very thought of you.

It is almost like turning the tables on them, making them want you and want to keep you by their side.

Let him be the one worrying whether you are into him or not.

Part 3: Using the Devotion Sequence

The Devotion Sequence is a secret sequence that will plant the seed of devotion in any man’s brain.

These tried and tested impactful words will make your man develop a deep emotional attraction towards you.

It is quite funny how she names another technique, which is the Cat String Concept. I think you can imagine what the concept it about.

The underlying premise is that you will be able to get your man chase after you, leaving them coming back for more.

With these 3 techniques, you will master the skills to keep your man happy and in turn, you will find happiness in a meaningful relationship.

couple photo devotion system

Here are more details:


  1. Intro
  2. The P.A.S.S. System
  3. Become a Dream Woman
  4. SPARK Breakdown
  5. Get What You Want IN a Relationship
  6. The Love Buzz Mindset
  7. What Stands Between You and Mr. Right
  8. 6 Steps to Embracing Your Inner Marilyn
  9. Quiz

PART 2: MEN 101

  1. Intro
  2. How Men Work
  3. He’s Afraid of Failure
  4. What Makes Men Chase You
  5. What Pushes Him Away
  6. How to Hook and Seduce Him
  7. The Devotion Sequence
  8. The 15 Types of Men
  9. 8 Men To Avoid
  10. 9 Subconscious Signals He Sends
  11. Quiz


  1. Intro
  2. The Chemistry of Commitment
  3. The Monogamy Message
  4. The Phone Phrenzy Technique
  5. How to Make Him Addicted To You
  6. The Date
  7. When To Sleep with Him
  8. His Hot Spots
  9. Tips to Turn Him On
  10. Ways to Make Him Happily Monogamous
  11. Preventing Infidelity
  12. What To Do When He Pulls Away
  13. Warning Signs
  14. Signs That He’s “The One”
  15. How to Let Him Down Gently
  16. How to Avoid Sabotaging Your Relationship
  17. Final Words
  18. Quiz

After going through the entire series, you will learn these valuable lessons:

  1. Turn yourself into the master of the art of Language of Love, which will make your man believe that you and only you are his ideal woman he’s been looking for for ages.
  2. Without putting in any real effort and just by being yourself you will make any man go crazy over you.
  3. The Phone Phrenzy technique will make your man fill you with desire with his countless phone calls just to listen to your sweet voice.
  4. Decipher the thoughts of your man just by looking and analyzing his gestures and body language.
  5. Once a man falls for you, you will be able to ensure that he stays devoted and in love with you forever.
  6. You decide if you want to give your man what he wants, and how to it in a way that will awaken his heart. This way, you will be able to wrap him around your metaphorical little finger forever.
  7. “Damsel in distress” is another strategy that tells him that there is space to let him be a hero to you. When he gets that feeling of pride and joy after rescuing you, he will come back for you for more.
  8. There is a complete list of things that you should do and not do. This way, you prevent yourself from getting in your own way.
  9. “Secret currency” is the term used to describe the way that a man makes “emotional deposits” in you and that way strengthens your relationship. This is like adding more beams to a building to make it sturdier and better.
  10. Finally, the” Tracking Down Mode” will make him come to you, helping you to solidify the relationship.

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Bonuses in the Devotion System ebook

Just when you thought that there is so much value in the book, Amy North has some extra bonuses to make the system more complete.

There are 3 bonuses that you will receive when you purchase through this site, and here they are:

  • Bonus 1: Textual Chemistry eBook – As you might expect, this book talks about how you should message your man
  • Bonus 2: Cheat Proofing eBook – Learn how to keep you man from cheating
  • Bonus 3: Finding Love Online eBook – How you can find love on dating sites

Pros and cons of the Devotion System

You will find out over here what I feel are the good and the bad things this course has.


  • Professional and high quality advice from an experience expert
  • The advice given is based on positive human engagements like mutual love and respect
  • You can enjoy a real love life once again, this time with a man who loves you deeply and desires you
  • Gain a new perspective of the dynamics between man and woman
  • Content is made in an easy to understand manner, making it simple to follow and achieve your objectives
  • Learn to become your ma’s number one priority
  • Get to know why men pull away and know how to stop that from happening
  • Claim your money back within 60 days if the system does not work for you


  • Delivery method is only in digital format and in English. For someone who prefers physical books, the option is not there
  • Results are not immediate, and takes time to practice and polish
  • Price is slightly on the high side, but for the benefits and bonuses thrown in, I believe it to be fair

What is the pricing of the Devotion System?

The ebook comes with a price tag of $358.75, including the 3 bonuses.

However, through Reviews Mill, you are able to get it at only $48.25, which is quite a good price all things considered.

Once you complete the order, there is no waiting around.

You gain immediate access to the ebook and its bonuses.

The ebook is interactive and contains 13 training videos and a quiz system to affirm your understanding.

You can use them on your Kindle device as well as iOS devices.

Get my discounted The Devotion System program

Summary of the Devotion System

The Devotion System is a good educational program that is well put together, on a professional and aesthetically pleasant platform.

I like the fact that the author is actually a lady herself, and had gone through something similar that you can relate to easily. 

It seems like these days you can only find men peddling this kind of advice, when in fact they may not even understand the women psyche well enough. 

That’s one of my top reasons for recommending the Devotion System. Amy North is the differentiator.

As a successful dating coach, she’s gone through all kinds of scenarios to be able to give quality advice. 

Ultimately, the information provided in this book is up to your interpretation, and how fervently you will apply them.

Use your own judgment and choose the strategies that suit you the best and you will do just fine.

A nice part of this is that the knowledge is evergreen, which you can continue using even in the future, in case the time is not right now.

You should also treat this as a good way of self-improvement and get to know the mind of men better.

There is really not much for you to lose since it is backed by a money back guarantee.

So there’s my review.

I hope that you have gained deeper insights into the product and will help you to make an informed decision.

Check out another excellent program by the same author here, the Text Chemistry.

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